Metabolic Engineering® consists of three distinct nutritional components.
The first requirement is to reduce diet-induced inflammation. This requires restricting calories but without hunger or fatigue. The Zone diet was developed to meet both criteria.
The second dietary requirement is to resolve chronic residual low-level inflammation that promotes the generation of senescent cell formation. This can be accomplished by adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids, which are precursors of powerful hormones that are key to eliminating chronic inflammation.
The third and final component is the sufficient intake of polyphenols to reduce oxidative stress and activate AMPK. The activation of AMPK is essential to repair damaged tissue and remove senescent cells.
No single dietary intervention is sufficient by itself to reprogram your metabolism to remove senescent cells; they should be considered as a synergistic team working in a highly orchestrated sequence. Thus, using Metabolic Engineering® as an integrated dietary system allows you to reduce the population of senescent cells in the body, thus slowing down the rate of aging and delaying the development of the symptoms of chronic disease associated with aging.