There is no magic bullet for living longer and better. But there is a system. It’s called Metabolic Engineering® and it consists of three integrated dietary steps that will get you to the Zone.
-Dr. Barry Sears
Step 1. STOP Hunger
Calorie restriction remains the best way to lose excess body fat, but it is much easier if you are never hungry. The most powerful approach that reduces hunger in the long term is to increase the release of satiety hormones from the gut that go directly to the brain to stop hunger. If you aren’t hungry, then reducing calorie intake is easy. Dr. Barry Sears first explained the science of calorie restriction without hunger in his #1 New York Times best-seller, The Zone. Using our Zone Foods as part of the patented Zone diet becomes your foundation toward greater metabolic efficiency. How long will it take to stop hunger using Zone Foods? It takes about three days, if not sooner.
Step 2: Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Once you stop hunger, you can further increase your metabolic efficiency by supplementing with OmegaRx® to support the reduction of inflammation caused by a pro-inflammatory diet. The OmegaRx Zone, written by Dr. Sears, started the fish oil revolution in 2002. OmegaRx® remains the standard to which all other fish oil products are compared. Our simple blood test will tell you exactly how much you need.
Step 3. Maintain Your New Metabolic Efficiency
As you reprogram your metabolism using Zone Foods™ and OmegaRx®, you want to further strengthen your new metabolic efficiency by supporting the reduction of oxidative stress on your metabolism. For that, you will need polyphenols. Why? Because they support the reduction of oxidative stress that your metabolism constantly produces as it converts food into chemical energy. But which one, since there are more than 8,000 polyphenols? Dr. Sears explained in The Mediterranean Zone, published in 2014, that delphinidins are the “best of the best” of all polyphenols because of their greater bioavailability. Our simple blood test will tell you exactly how much you need.
To live longer and better, you need science, not hope. Metabolic Engineering® is a dietary system based on robust science. The more you integrate our products into your daily diet, the easier it becomes to maintain your new, efficient metabolism for a lifetime.