The health benefits of being in the Zone are numerous. Here is a small listing of those benefits:
AMPK activation:
Your overall ability to repair tissue damage is controlled by AMPK, the master regulator of your metabolism.
Immune efficiency:
Your immune system’s ability is increased because your immuno-metabolism is strongly influenced by increased AMPK activity.
Inflammation reduction:
Most low-level chronic inflammation in the body is diet-induced and can be reduced by being in the Zone.
Cytokine reduction:
Cytokines are inflammatory proteins that cause fatigue and disruption of your metabolism. Cytokine production is decreased as AMPK is activated.
Improved hormonal balance:
You gain better control of blood glucose, hunger, and inflammation by controlling the hormones that regulate those metabolic activities.
Extending healthspan:
The better the body can heal, the more you slow down the rate of aging and extend your healthspan.